Coronavirus Vaccination
Over 4000 people have had their primary vaccinations and first booster through the Alstonville Clinic.
If it is more than 4 months since your last vaccination, and you are aged over 65 or are immunosuppressed, then you are eligible for a second booster.
The Alstonville Clinic does not currently have supplies of booster vaccination and recommends you organise a vaccination at a state health service or local pharmacy.
You can use this button to find a provider.
This page contains the latest information about COVID19 in Alstonville. Advice is changing quickly so please also check NSW Health guidelines.
If you have symptoms of COVID 19 (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose etc), you should isolate at home and perform a RAT test every 2 days while you still have symptoms. In our experience, RAT tests can often be negative early in the illness. The RAT swab is more accurate if used orally as well as nasally.
Performing a RAT
Video Instructions for Adults: COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test: Sample Collection for Omicron
Video Instructions for Children: How to Do a Combined Nose and Mouth Swab for COVID-19
If you have contact with someone who has COVID, the new guidelines say that you should determine if you are considered a ‘High Risk’ or ‘Low Risk’ contact NSW Health Information on Contacts
You are a high risk contact if
- you live with someone who is diagnosed with COVID 19
- you spent a long time with someone who has COVID-19 (e.g. I stayed overnight at their house or I spent the evening indoors at the house)
- you interacted closely with someone who has COVID-19 and we were not wearing masks (e.g. we drove a long distance together, or I looked after children who are now positive.)
You are a low risk contact if
- you spent some time with a person who has COVID-19 (e.g. we had dinner together or met at a pub, club or other social function.)
- you had brief or distanced contact with a person with COVID-19 (e.g. I dropped off shopping, or we went for a walk outdoors),
- you received a case alert in the Service NSW App.
You are not considered a high risk contact for the first 3 months after you have a COVID infection, so you do not need to isolate during this period even if other members of your household test positive.
If you are a high risk contact of someone with COVID 19 :
If you do not have any symptoms, you do not need to self-isolate, but you should be aware that you are at increased risk of COVID-19 and need to take steps to protect people around you. You must follow these Guidelines for 7 days from the last time someone in your household tested positive for COVID-19, or as otherwise directed by NSW Health if you are a close contact.
If you have or develop symptoms, you must self-isolate and get tested for COVID-19. If your test result is positive, you must follow the testing positive to COVID-19 and managing COVID-19 safely at home advice. If your test result is negative, stay home until you do not have any symptoms, and repeat the test as noted above.
Do not visit high-risk settings (including our clinic and other healthcare, aged care, disability care or correctional facilities) unless you require care yourself, or there are exceptional circumstances and you have rung obtained permission.
Work or study from home where practicable. You must seek approval from your employer or education facility before returning to work or school if you cannot work or study from home. Your employer will undertake a risk assessment before you can return to the workplace or education setting.
If you are over 12 years of age you must wear a mask when you are in an indoor setting that is not your own home. School settings may have their own guidance for students which should be followed.
Masks are also encouraged in your home to reduce the risk of transmission in your household.
Avoid contact with people at high risk of severe illness, where possible.
Avoid large or crowded indoor gatherings where you will be in contact with groups of people that you don’t live with, where possible.
Where practicable, undertake a rapid antigen test if you need to attend an indoor gathering with people you don’t live with, including your workplace or school, even if you do not have symptoms.
perform a RAT test immediately and again on Day 6, and also perform a RAT test if you get symptoms of COVID 19. You should avoid visiting high risk settings such as hospitals or aged care home for another seven days.
If you are a low risk contact, you do not need to isolate unless you develop symptoms of COVID 19, in which case you should follow the instructions above (“if you have symptoms of COVID”)
If you test positive to COVID 19, you can generally manage this at home. See NSW Health Information on managing COVID at home. You will need to isolate at home for at least seven days from your positive test, and not leave isolation till your symptoms have resolved. You should avoid high risk situations (healthcare settings or aged care facilities) for another seven days.
If you test positive to COVID 19, and are not fully vaccinated, and are considered at higher risk of illness, treatment may be available to make it less likely you will get very unwell. Please contact is if you fall into this category.
If you are isolating and become unwell or are concerned, you can arrange a Telehealth consultation with us on 02 66280505. If you become very unwell, especially with shortness of breath, you should call an ambulance on 000.
Key Messages
Alstonville Clinic remains open for all healthcare needs. People still need medical care for all the other problems that aren’t coronavirus related!
The Alstonville Clinic is not currently a provider for COVID19 Vaccination.
We have new procedures in place to protect our patients and help stop the spread of Coronavirus in Alstonville.
Many of our consultations can now be done via video calls or over the phone
All patients with a cough, cold, sore throat, flu or fever will initially be assessed by a doctor over the phone.
if you have a cough or cold or flu or fever, please let us know before you come in to the clinic – even if we are seeing you about something else.
Frequently asked questions on Coronavirus Vaccination
The latest Information from the Department of Health about Coronavirus Vaccination is available on this page
- Latest information on Coronavirus Vaccination
- The Potential Benefits and Risks from Astra Zeneca Vaccination
- What to expect after Your Coronavirus vaccination
- Covid Vaccine Eligibility Checker
- Covid Vaccines – Is it true?
- Consent form – please complete and bring with you to your vaccination
- Information about the Astra Zeneca Vaccination
- Third primary doses of vaccine for immunocompromised people
What is the COVID19 Vaccine?
People who have a COVID–19 vaccination have a much lower chance of getting sick from the disease called COVID–19.
The COVID–19 vaccination is free. You choose whether to have the vaccination or not.
Who gets the COVID19 vaccine?
Do I need a booster vaccination?
One Booster shots are recommended for everybody 4 months after their second dose
A second booster shot is recommended 4 months after the last booster shop for people aged over 65 or who are immunosuppressed
Frequently asked questions on Coronavirus.
What is coronavirus and COVID19?
Coronavirus is a family of germs that cause respiratory illness, such as a cold or cough. The family has been known about for a long time. COVID19 is a new member of the coronavirus family, only becoming evident in China in December 2019. Symptoms range from a mild cough to pneumonia. Some people recover easily, others may get very sick, very quickly. There is evidence that it spreads from person to person. COVID19 is responsible for the current pandemic.
How is COVID19 spread?
COVID19 is spread from an infected person to another person. The virus is carried by ‘droplets’, or moisture, which a person expels into the air when they cough or is carried on their hands after they have touched their mouth or nose. COVID19 can also be spread through the air if breathed out by an infected person.
What are the symptoms? How severe are they?
Most (80%) people who are infected with COVID19 will have either no symptoms or will have fairly mild symptoms – typically those of a cold or flu. This includes a cough, fever, sore throat, headache, aches and pains, tiredness. Interestingly, it seems that many people start with a loss of the sense of smell!
20% of people infected with COVID19 – that is one out of every five – will develop pneumonia and will require care in hospital. The main indication of worsening infection is shortness of breath.
About 5% of infected people will require intensive care treatment to support their breathing.
It appears from overseas experience that about 1% will die.
Is COVID19 just like the flu? What makes it so special?
COVID19 is new, so that no-one in the world is immune to it. In contrast, many of us have an existing immunity to strains of Influenza.
Because COVID19 is so new, there is as yet no vaccination. We have an effective vaccination each year against Influenza.
COVDI 19 is more contagious than influenza and appears to be about ten time more likely to cause severe illness or death.
So, no, it is not just like the flu.
Will I get COVID19?
Possibly. The ‘omicron’ variant is very contagious and is circulating in our community. Vaccination is our best defence against becoming unwell.
Who is at increased risk of severe illness from COVID19?
People aged over 70 are at increased risk of developing severe complications from COVID19.
People with other long term conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, chronic airways limitation and kidney disease are also at increased risk.
People on immunosuppression treatment after transplant or for autoimmune disease or having chemotherapy for cancer are also at increased risk.
Are my children at risk from COVID19?
Newborn babies, children and young people are much more likely to have no symptoms or mild illness when infected with COVID19. They can, however, still be contagious.
Should I be sending my children to school?
Not if they have a cold, cough, flu or fever. Otherwise, attending school is the current recommendation. Children seem not to get very sick if they are infected with COVID19.
How can I protect myself from coronavirus?
Coronavirus is picked up from infected people who cough or sneeze on you, or if you touch them or something they have touched.
So it is best wherever possible to stay 1.5m from other people, and wash your hands after touching people or things.
What is social distancing?
Social distancing means less contact between you and other people to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases.
We should all stay at home unless necessary to leave.
If we go out, we should keep 1.5m away from other people, and avoid places where there are other people. At shops and other places, follow the instructions about the maximum number of people permitted inside.
We should wash our hands frequently with soap and water.
What do I do if I have a cold, cough, fever, sore throat or flu?
If you have symptoms of COVID 19 (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose etc), you should isolate at home and perform a RAT test every 2 days while you still have symptoms. In our experience, RAT tests can often be negative early in the illness.
Practising good hand and sneeze/cough hygiene and keeping your distance from others when you are sick is the best defence against most viruses.
You should:
- self isolate at home.
- wash your hands frequently with soap and water, including before and after eating, and after going to the toilet
- cover your cough and sneeze, dispose of tissues, and wash your hands
- avoid contact with others (stay more than 1.5 metres from people)
If you need advice, ring our surgery on 66280505 and let our receptionist know that you have a cough, cold or flu. Our on-call doctor will ring you back. They will advise whether you should come in and see us n person, and give you further instructions.
What if I have contact with someone with a diagnosis of coronavirus?
Please see the guidelines at the top of this page
If I have to self isolate, what does that mean?
- Stay at home.
- Don’t go to public places including work, school, childcare, university or public gatherings.
- Only people who usually live with you should be in the home.
- Do not see visitors.
- Ask others who are not in isolation to get food and necessities for you.
- To minimise the spread of any germs you should regularly clean surfaces that are frequently touched such as door handles, light switches, kitchen and bathroom areas. Clean with household detergent or disinfectant.
What does it mean for people that I live with if I have to self isolate?
Others that live with you are not required to be isolated, unless they also meet one of the isolation criteria or become unwell with cough, cold or flu.
If you develop symptoms and are confirmed to have coronavirus, they will be classified as close contacts and will need to be isolated.
How can I get advice from Alstonville Clinic for my cold, cough or flu?
Ring us on 02 66280505 for any advice.
Our on call doctor will call you back.
Can I still see the clinic for other issues?
Yes, we are open for all our usual care.
Also, we are now conducting many consultations via Telehealth.
What do I do if I test positive for COVID?
If you test positive to COVID 19, you can generally manage this at home. See NSW Health Information on managing COVID at home. You will need to isolate at home for at least seven days from your positive test, and not leave isolation till your symptoms have resolved. You should avoid high risk situations (healthcare settings or aged care facilities) for another seven days.
If you are isolating and become unwell or are concerned, you can arrange a Telehealth consultation with us on 02 66280505. If you become very unwell, especially with shortness of breath, you should call an ambulance on 000.
I am positive for COVID and I am high risk of illness. What should I do?
If you test positive to COVID 19, are not fully vaccinated and are considered at higher risk of illness, treatment may be available to make it less likely you will get very unwell.. Please contact is if you fall into this category.
What is a telehealth consultation?
A Telehealth consultation is not a usual face-to-face consultation, but is conducted either via video, over the Internet or over the telephone.
You will be given instructions on how the telehealth consultation will work.
You may receive a text SMS message with a link to a web page, which will provide a video and audio link from your phone or computer to our doctor or nurse.
What if I don’t have a mobile phone or computer, or I don’t know how to work it?
No problem – we will call you on your telephone.
I’m feeling really sick. What should I do?
If it is an emergency – if you have severe pain, or trouble breathing, ring the ambulance on 000.
Ring us at anytime on 0266280505. If it is after hour, as per usual, one of our doctors is on call 24 hours for urgent calls.
I’m feeling really stressed. What should I do?
It is completely normal to be stressed about all these changes and all the news. Physical isolation shouldn’t mean social isolation and you should try and keep in touch with your family and friends even when you feel stuck at home.
Any of our GPs would be happy to talk with you about troubling thoughts and feelings. If necessary, we can put you in touch with a psychologist who is an expert in helping people with stress.
In addition, LifeLine has extra services on 131144.
I’m isolated at home and need prescriptions, food, help. What should I do?
The Alstonville Community is a caring community and we will put you in touch with someone who can help. Ring us on 66280505.
Should I come to the clinic for my check up, care plan, injury or for other issues?
If you are not self-isolating, you are welcome to come to the clinic for acute or routine care as usual