Today is the first day of University! (were they the longest holidays in history, or what?)
Over the last few weeks, Alex Kidman and the readers of the excellent Lifehacker site have complied a 2011 University Success Guide
The series of articles include –
- Your Uni PC: Netbook versus Notebook
- My Lecturer Lets You Rate University Courses
- Edward Radke’s Golden Rules For University Study
- What’s Available From Australian Universities On iTunes U?
- Let Your Smartphone Write Bibliographies For You
- Asking Lots Of Questions Is The Key To University Success
(Cathy tells me that knowing lots of answers is actually the key to University success – she agrees with rhyme’s comment. Less polite people might suggest that you should RTFM! )
Have you got any tips for our Fresher Friends? Let us know in the comments and we’ll compile our own Uni Success Guide.
Tip for Fresher Shanks – Don’t lose your ID on the first night in the pub if you want to go to the pub on the second night.