The Surgery is open from 8.30 – 5.00 Monday to Friday (first appointment 9.00am : last appointment at 4.30pm), and from 9.00 – 11.00 Saturday morning (acute consultations only – no appointments made).
To arrange a consultation with one of our doctors or allied clinical team, please ring (02) 6628 0505 during opening hours, or book online using the ‘Book appt’ tab on this website.
We are aware that there may often be a significant delay (up to some weeks) to make a routine appointment with a particular doctor and we are working to improve our access and to decrease waiting times.
Patients with a medical condition that is more urgent and needs to be dealt with today will be seen by one of our On Call doctors. Please ring on the usual surgery phone line (02) 6628 0505 to arrange a time to be seen.
Our Express Clinic service is available Monday to Friday for repeat prescriptions (morning and evening) and INRs (morning only).
Mornings – 8.30am – 9.15am at The Annexe (repeat prescriptions and INRs)
Evenings – 5.00 – 5.45pm at the Clinic (repeat prescriptions only)
A doctor is on call 24 hours for urgent medical consultation and can always be contacted via (02) 6628 0505, which is the usual surgery phone number. A recorded message will let you know how to contact the After Hours Doctor on call that day. Please do not leave a voicemail message.