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CoolTool: The Fisher Space Pen vs the Pencil

I love my Fisher Space Pen. The West Wing, Series 3, Episode 21 "We Killed Yamamoto", (2002) : Josh and Toby come in with Leo. JOSH Hey. LEO We spent millions of dollars developing a pen for the astronauts that would work in zero gravity. Know what the Russians did?...

Netspeak: Common Language Search

Should it be "What I Learnt Today?" or "What I Learned Today?" I am "waiting for" a response, or I am "waiting on" a response? Netspeak at is a cool tool that provides a 'common language' search. It answers questions about...

What makes an elite athlete?

We all know that people of West African origin are good sprinters because they have more 'fast twitch' muscle fibers. Right? And people of East African origin, particularly those from Ethiopia, have muscles that are better for endurance running because of 'slow twitch...

Bradman in Bowral

Although born in Cootamundra (1908), Don Bradman spent his school years in Bowral. The local oval was named in his honor in 1947. Beside it stands the International Cricket Hall of Fame, opened last year, which now incorporates the Bradman museum. Reading Bradman's...

The Losing of Wisdom – The Caveman and the Tooth Fairy

Our ancestors, the cavemen, had much larger jaws than we do. In those primitive times before McDonalds, they needed more teeth to grind up the foliage in their diet. In response to our improved diet(?), we evolved smaller jaws. Ignorant of this change, our very back...

NewsSource: The Conversation

As professional journalists, we aim to make this wealth of knowledge and expertise accessible to all. Authors for the Conversation are from the so-called Australian Group of Eight universities (Adelaide, ANU, Melbourne, Monash, NSW, Queensland, Sydney, Western...