Newsletter February 2025

  Newsletter February 2025   Happy New Year. The year is certainly going fast already. Here is an update of what is happening at the clinic.   Doctor’s Dr Lydia Fleming commenced working at the clinic in January. Our GP registrar’s, Dr Martyn Kinvig and Dr...

Newsletter November 2024

As the year ends, it is important to reflect on the happenings throughout the year. After the loss of Dr Davis, our staff have been under immense pressure juggling appointments and finding alternative doctors for his patient’s. Thank you for your patience and...


You may well already have tried the new eScript service, where your new prescription or renewal is sent directly to your mobile phone via SMS. This token can then be scanned at your pharmacy instead of providing a paper script. Some medications still require a paper...

Flu Vax Clinics

Flu season is almost upon us – the peak season runs from May – September. We will be running flu vaccination clinics for people eligible for a free flu vaccination on Saturday between 9am – 11am at the Alstonville Uniting Church Hall on the following dates: 15...

Carolyn’s Vitamin D Rich Quiche Recipe

Carolyn’s Vitamin D Rich Quiche Preparation Time: 20 minutes Baking Time: 30 to 40 minutes Serves 6 1 Tablespoon Vitamin D fortified margarine 2 Tablespoons dry breadcrumbs 6 eggs 210g can Salmon, pink or red, drained 300g can whole corn kernels, drained 1/3 cup...