One more thing…. The new iPad

Overnight, Apple launched the new iPad 3. [[posterous-content:pid___0]] Should you get one? Ten points of interest The new iPad looks the same as the iPad 2. It is the same size, except that it is 0.6mm thicker. A man on a galloping horse wouldn’t know the...

Effect of exercise training on depressive symptoms

2012 Jan 23;172(2):101-11. Effect of exercise training on depressive symptoms among patients with a chronic illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Herring MP, Puetz TW, O’Connor PJ, Dishman RK. Source Department of...

Saturday Night Special – Chicken and Chorizo Paella

The sous chef took over the kitchen tonight. On the menu was this very easy Chicken and Chorizo Paella. With the help of Curtis Stone on the iPad, it turned out a cracker. Leftovers for Sunday lunch. pure tera, bhang cbd spray review, can you fly with cbd oil tsa, cbd...

The Little Wolf and The Three Bad Pigs

The Wolf is boiled alive. Self defense? After all, two houses had already been blown down. Or an elaborate insurance fraud triggered by the GFC? Occupy FairyTaleLand. How does the Guardian report news in the Social Media age. This is round one of a very expensive...

Hidden in Plain View

Our senses are constantly processing sights, sounds, smells and touch. Most of these do not reach our consciousness. We only become aware of some of the inputs that pass through our brain. How do we decide what to pay attention to? On Feb 17th this year, psychologist...