Coffee and Prostate Cancer – Get into it

Abstract and Introduction Abstract Background Coffee contains many biologically active compounds, including caffeine and phenolic acids, that have potent antioxidant activity and can affect glucose metabolism and sex hormone levels. Because of these biological...

Rods, Cones and Colours

via This optical effect is pretty cool. See the blue and green spirals in the picture above? They are actually both the same colour! (green, in fact) We perceive them to be different due to the different colours next to them. Our retina has two different...

Before you criticize someone….

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” Jack Handey they don, cbd kush, cbd n, cbd oil brands for vaping, hemp seeds for sale, where to buy...

End Malaria Day

We’ve mentioned Seth Godin’s Domino Project previously, and have taken the opportunity to get some cheap ebooks, including the occasional free one. Their new title isn’t free – in fact, it costs double the normal amount. However, Seth hopes it...

Did you have a good night's sleep?

via How’d you sleep last night. Not bad, good, terrible? All a bit vague – what you need is a scientific way to answer the question accurately. You need a Zeo Sleep Coach The Zeo Sleep Coach is a mini-EEG machine that sits on your bedside table. You...