by Tony Lembke | May 5, 2011 | General
Our ancestors, the cavemen, had much larger jaws than we do. In those primitive times before McDonalds, they needed more teeth to grind up the foliage in their diet. In response to our improved diet(?), we evolved smaller jaws. Ignorant of this change, our very back...
by Tony Lembke | May 2, 2011 | General
As professional journalists, we aim to make this wealth of knowledge and expertise accessible to all. Authors for the Conversation are from the so-called Australian Group of Eight universities (Adelaide, ANU, Melbourne, Monash, NSW, Queensland, Sydney, Western...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 29, 2011 | General
THE oral thrombin inhibitor dabigatran has been approved for listing on the PBS for use in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) under a new pilot, fast-track regulatory process. Dabigatran (Pradaxa) reimbursement was approved at the March meeting of the...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 27, 2011 | General
Here at WILT we have acquired an underground copy of a secret video of the dress rehearsal for the Royal Wedding.We believe it is our duty to do the Julian Assange thing and make it available to grapefruit weight loss, craig henry md, running 3 miles a day to...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 26, 2011 | General
See the full gallery on Posterous The 6th and final night of the Byron Bay Bluefest featured Bob Dylan, Paul Kelly, Gurrumal and Elvis Costllo – as well as Bryon’s traditional Easter rain. Gumboots were again the fashion item de rigeur – 20000 people...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 25, 2011 | General
Paddy Bugden is Alstonville’s favourite hero. And why wouldn’t he be – handsome, brave, a fine footballer, a war hero – and his dad owned the only pub in town! After WW1 started, as soon as he was old enough to successfully lie about his age,...