by Tony Lembke | Apr 24, 2011 | General
This article is about Easter Eggs – No, not the sort you’ve eaten too many of today. Easter Eggs are hidden features that programmers place in their applications that only those ‘in the know’ can access. Here is an Easter Egg you may like to...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 23, 2011 | General
Will you have to hunt to for chocolate tomorrow? Chocolate is made from the fermented and roasted beans of the cacoa tree, which is native to South America. It has been cultivated there for almost 3000 years, traditionally mixed with water, chilli and...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 20, 2011 | General
If you’re caught in the rain without an umbrella, will you get less wet if you run or walk?I remember Grunter, Luke and I having this discussion at school. Luke came up with a thought experiment – if you could run at infinitesimal speed, you would not get...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 18, 2011 | General
Whereas What I Learnt Today is ‘one thing each day’, Emaildigest is ‘all you need to know’. Did you know that 1 billion new pages are added to the world wide web each day. 999,999,993 of these are pages that you should completely ignore –...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 16, 2011 | General
I believe I can make a fairly good espresso, but it appears I am an epic fail at making tea. Last night my guest Brendan rejected my Earl Grey effort as undrinkable. I appreciate that making a decent cup of tea is very important, so today I called upon three eminent...
by Tony Lembke | Apr 16, 2011 | General
TFP44ScreeningforOsteoporosis.pdf A simple formula If Age – Weight > -5, consider screening (that is – ostoeporosis is more likely the older you are and the lighter your are) mask walmart medical help...