by Tony Lembke | Feb 20, 2011 | General
The Lost Art of Sleep – by Michael McGirr Having recently had twins, Michael McGirr has become an expert in sleep – or the lack thereof. Across the course of one long night, he explores with us a range of sleep-related topics. Thomas Edison never went...
by Tony Lembke | Feb 18, 2011 | General
Nudge – Thaler and Sunstein You can still help people achieve better outcomes – while absolutely respecting freedom of choice. When a decision is to be made, most people take the path of least resistance – which is often ‘no decision’....
by Tony Lembke | Feb 14, 2011 | General
Thanks to Mike for sending this (I think)how to enhance viagra absorb pepper sublingual, what is in grow xl male enhancement, fighting sexual urges, swimmers with erections, sex feelings, top rated testosterone booster gnc, best food for testosterone, old viagra...
by Tony Lembke | Feb 12, 2011 | General
AFP – Australian Family Physician Vol 40, (1/2) 20-23 Appointments – getting it right Andrew Knight MBS, MMedSci(ClinEpid), FRACGP, is Chair, Expert Reference Panel on Access, The Australian Primary Care Collaborative, The Improvement Foundation, Adelaide, South...
by Tony Lembke | Feb 9, 2011 | General
Today is a special day in our family, and it is the only day that dad jokes are tolerated without complaint. Richard Glover, that great suburban historian, is a world expert in stupid dad jokes. According to RG, all dad jokes have two factors in common. They must be...
by Tony Lembke | Feb 6, 2011 | Articles, Learning
We’re back to the school routine around here – and one of us is also about to start the Uni thing. What is the best way to learn new stuff? A research team at the Purdue University lead by Prof Jeffrey Karpicke studied this question. Their work was...