Bookshelf : Three Men in a Boat

The best book available for Kindle or iBooks is Jerome K Jerome’s ‘Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)’.  And it is free! Project Gutenberg is an open source project that aims to make out-of-copyright texts available freely to all....

iPad too?

What Its Like to Own an Apple Product – The Today in San Francsico, Steve Jobs announced the imminent release of the iPad 2. Jobs has been on medical leave since January due to complications of pancreatic cancer, so it was a surprise for the crowd at...

University Success Guide 2011

Today is the first day of University! (were they the longest holidays in history, or what?) Over the last few weeks, Alex Kidman and the readers of the excellent Lifehacker site have complied a 2011 University Success Guide The series of articles include – Your...

The Lyrebird meets Weird Al Yancovic

Last Christmas Eve, we went on a birdwalk in Uralba Nature Reserve with birding expertsAlastair and Mike. Just as we finished, we heard, and then saw, Menura Alberti – the Albert’s Lyrebird. For birdwatchers such as Alastair and Mike, this is reason...

Understanding Music

In Ancient Greece, all children were expected to have mastered two instruments by the age of 12. Duncan Lorien is a music teacher who says that, like the Greeks on antiquity, we  can all learn to play music competently. My long suffering piano teacher Mrs...

Zinc – Cure for the Common Cold?

The Common Cold is an infection of the nasal passages and upper always. The main symptoms are a runny or congested nose. It can be caused by a number of different viruses, the most common of which is ‘Rhinovirus’. Complications of a cold include sinusits,...